Neighborhood News
Urgent Message!
Trash collection is on Wednesday of every week, please place your yard/bulk waste and trash bin at the curb on Tuesday evenings and do not place yard waste on top of street drains, debris can be washed into the storm water system and cause blockage and backups on the street. 
Recycle collection is on Thursday, please place your recycle bin at the curb on Wednesday evenings only.
Gate Entry System
The gate Telephone Entry System (TES) requires a # symbol before the gate code.  In addition, if you are listed in the directory and someone calls your registered phone number then you simply press 9 on your phone to allow them access if you are expecting visitors.
Palm Tree Removal
Many homeowners have begun removing palm trees for various reasons such as excessive height, disease, etc.  There are rules that govern removal of any trees within Nonacrest and the City of Orlando; it is very important that homeowners file the appropriate paperwork to include (1) Architectural Review Application (ARA) with the HOA, (2) permit from the City of Orlando.  Tree removal must also include tree replacement after the stumps are removed if applicable.
Responsible Dog Walking & Clean-Up
The Association has been receiving an increase in reports of dog owners not properly walking their dogs. Specifically, numerous reports have indicated owners letting their dogs run free out their front door.  Additionally, some dogs have left solid waste on neighbors lawns without being cleaned up by the owner.
Please be responsible pet owners and keep dogs on their leashes and clean-up after them.  For loose dog and dog waste, a complaint can be filed with Orange County Animal Services using their link:(   
No Overnight Street Parking
Overnight street parking is not allowed in NonaCrest between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM each day; violators will be towed.  If your vehicle is towed then call Airport Towing Service 407-855-7777, all vehicles towed from Nonacrest will be taken to a holding lot operated by Airport Towing located at 4507 E Wetherbee Rd., Orlando, FL  32824.

Nonacrest Pool/Cabana Use
The Nonacrest pool/cabana are open from dawn to dusk daily and must never be used during adverse weather such as thunderstorms where lightning/thunder has occurred within 15 minutes. Only Nonacrest residents are authorized to use the pool; guests must be escorted by a resident and children under the age of 17 are not permitted without an adult. To reserve the cabana, see the form in the Documents section.

Compliance Reminders!
1. Parking across the Sidewalks - it is unsafe for pedestrians and illegal by the laws of the City of Orlando. Such actions could result in a citation and/or your vehicle being towed.
2. Garbage/Recycle containers after pickup - please pull in your garbage and recycle bins by 7pm on the day of pickup. Not doing so is unsightly to your neighbors. It sometime results in containers being blown onto the roads during strong winds causing safety issues. If you cannot be home by then, please ask a neighbor or friend to do so.
3. Pickup after your dog -  more of our fellow residents are reporting a higher occurrence of dog walkers not cleaning up after their pets. Such violations are unsanitary, unsightly and an extremely unpleasant experience should one accidentally step into it. 
Security Reminders
Always keep your vehicles locked while parked in your driveway - this is the easiest and best first line of defense in protecting your valuables and property!
2025 Hurricane Season  - June 1st to November 30th.
The City of Orlando Office of Emergency Management (OEM) wants all City residents to take three actions to be prepared for any type of natural or manmade disaster. Residents need to:
1. Make a Plan
2. Build a Kit
3. Stay Informed
Visit OEM at or call 321.235.5438 / 321.235.5439 for assistance and resources.